译文: Psalmes的全博凯. The Music of Thomas Ravenscroft - The Whole Booke of Psalmes. The humble Sute of a Sinner.
译文: some solemne, other joyfull, framed to the life of the Words. Composed by William Byrd , one of the Gent.
译文: - 屏幕,电视,音乐,游戏,ETC. 极地特快.
译文: This setting was published on p22 of George Gay's Sacred Music , 2nd edition, London. 乔治·盖伊. 其他. 神圣,赞美诗,卡罗尔. 语. 英语.
译文: 老人们在家里. 斯蒂芬柯林斯福斯特. 未知. 世俗的,未知. 语. 英语. SATB. 无论是旋律,这首歌曲,这是已知的,在世界各地的喜爱,字写的斯蒂芬·福斯特C.. 1826年至1864年. ,爱尔兰裔美国人.
译文: 回声. In this piece, the synthesizer fulfils multiple musical elements that are often not present and.
译文: After each line is sung there is a brief pause, which contributes effectively to the somber atmosphere.
译文: Intended to be sung with the Morales Magnificat Quarti Toni "Et Exultavit" at Evensong. Cristóbal de Morales , arr. Hackett.
译文: 我躺下. 张曼玉Furtak. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,国歌. 语. 英语. SSAATB. 这件作品的第一部分可以由独奏家,一小群的女性,或者所有的女人唱. 在“我不会害怕”部分是在这片唯一的真正困难的部分.
译文: Ø可我说的是无与伦比的价值. 詹姆斯·利奇. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣赞美诗仪表. 886. 8866. 语. 英语. SATB.
译文: 若虫和牧羊人一起离开. 数字低音实现了键盘,吉他,或巴洛克吉他. 世俗的,空气. 语. 英语. Solo Soprano. 从配乐到浪荡子. 这种安排是基于奥菲斯Britannicus发现歌曲的版本,歌曲的集合赛尔去世后不久公布.
译文: 来吧,圣灵. three times in the minor key, the last in a major alternative. the music is sometimes very literal.
译文: It transpired that the words were actually from a music hall act, The Mohawk Mistrels. 无伴奏合唱. 世俗的,Partsong. 语. 英语.
译文: "Polyhymnia – the Muse of sacred poetry – Herald and Praise-giver". The piece is in 12 parts. 迈克尔普雷托里乌斯. 弦乐合奏,低音部. 神圣的,合唱团.
译文: Intended to be sung with the Magnificat Tertii Toni "Et Exultavit" at Evensong. The Cantus Firmus is preserved. 无伴奏合唱.
译文: struggled to find suitable text. Eventually I thought “Hang on, this is supposed to. Firstly, to create a light and.
译文: 你到这里来,你们所有的灵魂疲惫. 本杰明Cuzens. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣赞美诗仪表. L.M. 有近三成. 语. 英语.