译文: Psalmes的全博凯. The Lord is only my support. My Shepherd is the living Lord. The earth is all the Lords.
译文: 匿名. 无伴奏合唱. or Jan. 18 in the Vatican. Solesmes editions. 语. Latin. STTB.
译文: 教教我,主啊,你的律例的方式. 威廉·博伊斯. 器官,低音部. 神圣的,国歌,国歌节. 语. 英语. SATB with alto or tenor solo.
译文: 这甜蜜和欢乐的五月. N.B. despite the title of Watson's publication, Byrd's madrigal is not based on an Italian original. 无伴奏合唱. 世俗的,马德里加尔. 语.
译文: 在星条旗. With a range of one and a half octaves, it is known for being difficult to sing. 约翰·斯塔福德·史密斯. 无伴奏合唱. 世俗的,国歌.
译文: Ø骨耶稣传. 罗伯特·卡弗. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌.
译文: The piece is written for three parts for two reasons. is optional for the men - if it’s too. preferable to obtain one.