译文: A Blessed Virgin Mary hymn transcribed from the Trent manuscript tr92. 匿名. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,办公室的赞歌. 语. Latin.
译文: 尊二. Where the time signature is missing a "tempus" is assumed accordingly with the context. 匿名. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣,经文歌. 语.
译文: 尊. 匿名. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,晚上的canticles. 语. Latin. 国家税务总局. 一些诗句是两个平等的声音. Alternatim从特伦特稿件tr87设置转录.
译文: The time signatures and the notes' values are as in the manuscript, the perfect notes have been dotted.
译文: The notes' values, accidentals and colourings are as in the manuscript, the coloured notes are “hemiolæ”. 匿名. 语.
译文: one with the 1st. , 2nd and 3rd voices, the other with the 1st, 4th and 5th voices. 匿名. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,神圣的歌曲. 语. Latin.
译文: 凯里 - . The third voice has to be choosen between the two middle voices. either the Triplum or the Contra.
译文: “Introitus pro Virgine” transcribed from the Trent manuscripts tr93. 约翰·Brassart. 无伴奏合唱. 语. Latin. 国家税务总局.
译文: 龙多. 赫曼努斯房室. 无伴奏合唱. 世俗的,龙多. 语. 无. ATB. 3比.
译文: 圣哉. The time change near the end of the Superius. 约翰·Brassart. 无伴奏合唱. 神圣的,质量. 语.
译文: The keys, time signatures, notes' values, colourings and accidentals are as in the manuscript. 布尔古瓦. 未知. 神圣的,质量. 语.
译文: 死亡被得胜吞灭. The gamba part could be carried by a viola if necessary. The text is from Corinthians 15, 54-55 and 57. 弦乐合奏.
译文: How could I have missed it. 大卫·夏尔. 宝宝. 理查德·莫尔特比小. 阿尔弗雷德出版公司. 英语. 索莱罗. 计划. 声音的.
译文: 彼得Mascgani. 乡村骑士. 小册子. 书. 歌剧. OPERA. 彼得马斯卡尼. --. 乡村骑士. 乡村骑士.
译文: 桥字版. Different streams of the church adopt distinctive styles of worship, thus creating their own traditions. 书. 齐奏声. 国.
译文: W.A.莫扎特. 霍恩五重奏降E K.407. 386C. 乐谱. French Horn, Violin, Viola. ,大提琴. HN. VLN. VLA.
译文: 梅尔湾的左手吉他现代方法1级. 乐谱.